MOSSBERG 500 vs REMINGTON 870 [Don’t Buy Until You WATCH This!]

MOSSBERG 500 vs REMINGTON 870 [Don’t Buy Until You WATCH This!]
The American pump shotgun market is ruled by two guns, the Mossberg 500 and Remington 870. These guns have been subject to at least as much debate as to the 9mm vs. 45 ACP or the Glock vs. 1911. While both have a proven track record after decades of use in the military, law enforcement and hunting, there are some differences between the two.
Not sure which pump shotgun to get? We cover the Remington 870 vs Mossberg 500 in terms of controls, action, materials, ergonomics, shell lifters, and more.
The Model 500 and Model 870 are both legendary, each being produced in the tens of millions, and still counting. Not bad for two designs that were developed in the early 1950s -Remington and early 1960s -Mossberg in a time when telephones had cords and a dial. It is hard to argue which is the most popular.
The 870 and 500 are safe, adaptable, proven in the field, the streets and in combat. Originally designed for sporting use, theses pump-action shotguns have been adapted to tactical, LE and defensive applications. Models range from hunting and competition to tactical and home defense. As home defense weapons, the 500 and 870 are both natural fits.
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